Weekend Photos - Mendocino National Forest plus a Waxing Gibbous

Hey All - this weekend was cold and stormy - again! I am starting to feel like I live way up in the Pacific Northwest - just like a true Californian, I complain about any weather! Stormy weather is great for photography, so that is one plus. Storms break and the light can be just delicious - or not haha. Luck of the draw. I could see snow on the coastal range to the West of my house so I decided to go in that direction. I love returning to areas I have photographed before - I know some back roads and getting a new look at an area always stimulate creativity. Jumping in my truck with a book on Audible and hitting the road is therapy for me. Currently, I am listing to the Expeditionary Force series by Craig Alanson - definitely enjoying it! This weekend’s pictures are a mix of wildlife, oak trees, and the moon!

If you like any of these pictures - let me know! There should be a comment section below the pictures.

For each thorn, there’s a rosebud… For each twilight – a dawn… For each trial – the strength to carry on, For each storm cloud – a rainbow… For each shadow – the sun… For each parting – sweet memories when sorrow is done.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Almost a full moon - a waxing gibbous 98.1%. Moon rise was at 4:26 pm and I used a 200 to 600 mm long telephoto lens to grab these shots.


Weekend Photos - Wild Horses in Western Nevada


Pictures from clinic - descriptions and locations!