Pictures from clinic - descriptions and locations!

It’s been fun to see the reaction to printing my photographs and hanging them on the walls in our various clinics. It has motivated me to put together this website and to continue to get our there and take more pictures! Many of you (my patients) have asked about individual pictures - wondering about the story behind the photograph and where it was taken. I am going to use this blog post as a way to answer those questions. This will be a work in progress - there are a fair amount of pictures - so if your wait times are a little longer than average, just know its me working on the important task of updating this blog post! Lol - just kidding ;)


This picture was taken on my Trip to Cuba in December 2018. It is from an alleyway in Havana. Cuba and its people are amazing - I wish our two countries could reestablish normal relations. I can only image what Havana was like prior Fidel Castro - it most have been an amazing city. It is fascinating now - what happens to buildings and communities over time and no maintenance. I understand the politics are complicated - but the wonderful people in that country are suffering. To me - they matter more than issues from over half a century ago.


Weekend Photos - Mendocino National Forest plus a Waxing Gibbous


First Blog Post! Snowy Day in Chico.