First Blog Post! Snowy Day in Chico.

Welcome to my new website! I am excited to have a place to share my most recent photographs and adventures. This is exciting for me and it will definitely be an iterative process. Please let me know if you see any errors or if things are not working. Also - would love suggestions!

Today’s pictures and videos are from February 25, 2023. We just got hit with a rare snowstorm here in Chico, California. I woke up and saw snow on the north rim of Upper Park and jumped in my truck to grab some pictures. Highway 32 was a mess and I only made about 10 miles up the road before I started sliding all around and turned around - probably a wise decision! These photos are from the Peregrine disc golf course - there were a couple of other brave souls out there with me appreciating the snowy views on top of Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve.

I love returning to the same spots during the different seasons and weather and light - expect to see many more posts from around the reserve!

To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.
— Aristotle

This is a google map to where the video and photographs were taken


Pictures from clinic - descriptions and locations!